A Marathon2 Solo/Network Map, created with Pfhorte 2.0 (Map) and Alchemist 1.0b2 (Physics) this version is correcting some problems found in the earlier version uploaded 12/31.
I included my films when I tested it to see how it played.
Uses custom physics file for really sick effects, like rockets underwater.
Haven't used this in network play, so test it and e-mail any films/comments to me. This is still unfinished and or unstable due to the newness of the editing programs, plus my learning as well.
Requires Marathon2, enough memory allocated to the application to have ambient sounds and decent speed. Also, to use this custom map, highlight and change the name to “Map” make sure you rename your original map something else otherwise if both are in placed in the same folder on your hard drive (not the CD) you may erase your original 20 Meg map.
Marathon2 Durandal is copyright of Bungie Software. Pfhorte 2.0 is copyright of Steve Israelson. Alchemist 1.0b2 is copyright of Michael Hanson.